We found 2 articles with the tag “#post-metal”.
Violet Cold - Səni Uzaq Kainatlarda Axtarıram
Article | February 5th, 2022
By Pat O'
#black-metal, #blackgaze, #metal, #musicreview, #musicreviews, #podcast, #post-metal, #post-rock, #review, #rock, #shoegaze, #violetcoldViolet Cold play a style of Atmospheric Black Metal that hypnotises and spellbinds the listener. Ambient elecltronic soundscapes collide with a cosmic black gazed frenzy, exploding into what can only be described as full on sensory overload. No better place to be!
Mountaineer – Giving Up The Ghost
Article | February 1st, 2022
By Pat O'
#lifeforcerecords, #metal, #mountaineer, #musicreview, #podcast, #post-metal, #post-rock, #review, #rockMountaineer have delivered yet again, and have released an album that smothers and shrouds the listener with its blanket of rich melodic hooks and heaving shoegaze riffs. The music is often dark and overcast , but it always allows that little shard of light through, which brings hope and rebirth.